Cookie Policy

We use cookies on our website for various purposes. A cookie is a small text file with information that is transmitted by your browser and stored on your computer. These cookies do not contain any personal data. You can also control the use of cookies in your browser and delete cookies yourself at any time. If the following cookies have their own option to delete or block them, this is shown in the respective description. Cookies may be required to establish a connection or to improve the use of the website.

You can prevent the storage of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly; however, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent.

The use of technically necessary cookies and the associated data processing are based on our legitimate interest in the provision of our website. Technically required cookies are usually automatically deleted when you close your browser (session cookies), in other cases only after a while (persistent cookies). The storage duration of persistent cookies is determined by the provider and can be viewed by you in your browser, for example.

1. Technically required cookies

Technically required cookies are used to enable you to use additional functions or to use the website more comfortably, e.g. by saving your country or language settings. The technically required cookies are usually automatically deleted when you close your browser (session cookies), but in other cases only after a long time (persistent cookies). The storage period can be viewed in your browser.

Google ReCaptcha

This website uses the Google reCAPTCHA service from Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”).

Goolge reCAPTCHA is used to determine when visiting the website whether this was done by a human person or whether the alleged visitor is a misused computer (“bot”). Google uses a small test, the so-called CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart, “fully automatic public Turing test to differentiate between computers and people) to make this distinction. So that it can now be seen whether the visitor is a computer or a person, Google uses data such as IP address, browser, screen resolution, click behavior and, if necessary, other required data (e.g. cookies). The data collected is transferred to the Google server in the USA for processing.

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